Singing Guide: Lianne La Havas

Singing Guide: Lianne La Havas

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

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Learn to Sing Like Lianne La Havas

If you're a fan of Lianne La Havas and want to learn how to sing like her, you're in the right place. Lianne is known for her soulful voice, which has drawn accolades from all over the world.

The Basics of Singing Like Lianne La Havas

The first step to learning how to sing like Lianne is to understand your vocal range. Lianne has a deep, rich voice, but she is also capable of hitting some impressive higher notes. To identify your own vocal range, use the Vocal Range Test provided by Singing Carrots. This test will help you determine the highest and lowest notes you can comfortably sing.

Once you know your vocal range, you can listen to Lianne's music and try to identify the notes that she hits. This will help you understand how her voice moves and give you a starting point for practicing.

Lianne La Havas' Unique Vocal Techniques

Lianne's voice is characterized by her use of vibrato, a technique where the pitch of a note is quickly alternated to add a pulsing quality. To learn how to perform vibrato like Lianne, check this article about singing with vibrato. Pay close attention to the instructions on how to raise and lower your pitch, using your diaphragm and throat muscles.

In addition to vibrato, Lianne also makes use of a technique known as chest voice. Chest voice is when the sound resonates in your chest, rather than your throat or head. To learn how to sing in your chest voice, check out the video provided on chest voice explained

Recommended Lianne La Havas Songs to Learn

If you want to learn how to sing like Lianne La Havas, it's a good idea to start by learning some of her songs. Here are a few that showcase her unique vocal style:

  • Is Your Love Big Enough?
  • Green & Gold
  • No Room For Doubt (feat. Willy Mason)
  • Lost & Found

You can use Singing Carrots' song search feature to find these songs and others that match your vocal range.

Additional Resources for Learning How to Sing Like Lianne La Havas

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.